Materials, Technology, and Innovative Trends in Casework Systems

Materials, Technology, and Innovative Trends in Casework Systems

In this one-hour course, the design professional will gain an understanding of how manufactured casework has evolved over the years. Recent developments in casework that will explained include innovation in materials, concepts and how new manufacturing methods offer advantages. The design professional will be presented with a thorough overview of how quality casework is specified and installed.

Learning Objectives: 
  1. Define areas that need to be included when specifying casework, including edge, core, and hardware and explain how the proper detailing can lead to a successful project that is aesthetically pleasing and maintains the welfare of building occupants.
  2. Identify current trends and code considerations when specifying laminate casework and how adhering to safety standards will produce a project that is durable and environmentally conscious.
  3. Compare and contrast different core materials and what unique characteristics they each have regarding the safety of building occupants.
  4. Discuss how Division 6 and Division 12 specifications impact your casework project.
Provided By: 
Design Category: 
(06) Wood, Plastics and Composites
Applicable Credits