New York, NY - Tuesday April 25, 2023


New York, NY

Event Date
Tuesday April 25, 2023

7:30 am - 5:30 pm

Available Credits

Up to 8 AIA HSW/LU CE Hour(s)
Up to 3 GBCI General Hour
New York University - Wasserman Center for Career Development
133 East 13th Street
New York, NY 10003
no registration link
Registration Price


Early Bird Discount! $30.00 off if purchased before Apr 11, 2023


Ron Blank & Associates bridges the gap between design professionals & building product manufacturers through online, face-to-face, and webinar AIA/HSW and SD continuing education courses, USGBC/GBCI continuing ed. for LEED AP's, direct product representation, and product rep/installer training services.

Event Agenda

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

7:30 am

8:00 am

9:10 am

10:20 am

Commercial Door Operators: A UL 325 Safety Standard Review
Sponsored By Chamberlain Group
Presented By Nick Valdez
1 AIA HSW/LU CE Hour(s)

Facilities that require commercial doors and operators depend on the smooth functioning of these systems for productivity, profitability, security, and safety. This course addresses the various types of commercial doors and operators available.

Learning Objectives:
  1. Compare the functions of various stiles of commercial doors.
  2. Describe the types of commercial door operators.
  3. Discuss the features of reduction systems and solenoid brakes, as well as the NEMA ratings for enclosures.
  4. Explain the requirements of UL 325 and how it contributes to the safe operation of commercial doors.
  5. List the devices that meet the UL standard and describe their features.

11:30 am

Designing Touchless Solutions for Proper Hand Hygiene in Commercial Restrooms
Sponsored By Excel Dryer, Inc.
Presented By Paul Marquez
1 AIA HSW/LU CE Hour(s)
1 GBCI General Hour

This course will explore how commercial restroom design can reduce touchpoints, promote proper hand hygiene, and reduce the spread of infection.

Learning Objectives:
  1. Identify how to design a touchless, hygienic restroom environment that supports health and wellbeing
  2. Define proper hand hygiene techniques and the role it plays in commercial restroom design
  3. Detail how including hand dryers in your commercial restroom design can mitigate the spread of germs improving workplace health and safety
  4. Recognize key sustainability attributes of hand dryers, and the future evolution of commercial restroom design

12:30 pm

1:00 pm

2:10 pm

3:20 pm

Prefabricated Ornamental Railing Systems
Sponsored By AGS Stainless, Inc
Presented By Milena Vega
1 AIA HSW/LU CE Hour(s)

This course will discuss the overall advantages of choosing a custom-fabricated railing system built off-site compared to off-the-shelf products or locally fabricated railings.

Learning Objectives:
  1. Explain the advantages of a prefabricated custom railing system in addition to the advantages of an all stainless steel railing system.
  2. Compare and contrast the railing system materials used for posts, top rails, and infill.
  3. Describe common challenges with locally fabricated metal rail systems.
  4. Evaluate how stainless steel railing systems meet health, safety, and welfare requirements.
AGS Stainless, Inc

4:30 pm

5:30 pm

no registration link

State CE Requirements

New York CE Requirements

New York State Education Department: Office of the Professions
(518) 474-3817
Renewal Cycle: 
Every 3 Years
Total Hours Required: 
36, 18 of which must be live interaction either in person or
Detailed Hours Required: 
24 HSW
Renewal Deadline: 
Last day of the month preceding birth month